Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

My father and I put up Halloween decorations throughout the front yard this past Wednesday. I was putting it off and off; but, then I remembered how he and my Mom would put up those decorations every year without fail. My Mom put away all the decorations and brought them out each year; they are truly vintage (Mom passed away in 2007).

Anyway, I thought that it would be therapeutic for my Dad to put up the Halloween decorations as a gentle reminder of better times. And, I was right! He didn't remember that Halloween was coming up. Now he is excited about dressing up in a cowboy costume and handing out candy to the neighborhood kids later tonight.

It felt good to bring out all of the decorations; in a way it as though Mom's spirit was all around us. We really miss her. She used to say that her spirit would visit us in the form of flying butterflies. Her name was Blanca; which means white. And for the past few weeks (as my father points out daily) we have been visited by several white colored butterflies on a daily basis. Probably just a coincidence; yet, we like to believe that it may be something more. And at the end of the day, you gotta believe. Happy Halloween!

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