Friday, September 11, 2009

Very Interesting

In the past week or two, my father has started following me throughout the house. He used to sit in the patio after a bit of gardening -but now he follows me (without saying anything), he sits in a nearby chair to my office, the kitchen, the living room, etc. Yesterday I gave him a coloring book to distract him, but he just picked up the book and followed me into the next room and continued coloring. I hope that it is just a phase. We will soon see. The trouble is that most of his past hobbies do NOT interest him. He has stopped playing dominoes,TV is not for him (except at night). He does enjoy his daily walks, yet he can't walk the dog anymore and he can't walk alone since last year when he kept walking and almost got lost. He does enjoy his pet birds or should I say bird, since the female parrot flew away this past Saturday. I need to get a replacement bird.

1 comment:

no1daughteroflewydad said...

Hi Ricardo,

I suggest you read about 'shadowing'. It can be very disconcerting but understanding helps to deal with it.
